Stewards of the Gospel
The Stewards of the Gospel is a Diocesan project, preparing parishes for change and helping them develop new initiatives for evangelisation, as well as working across parish boundaries. Our Lady and All Saints has three Stewards, working together, and each representing one of our churches as well as the whole parish. They are Mary Sillett (St Basil’s), Tina Lilley (Holy Trinity) and Eileen Prizeman (St Therese).
The project has been running throughout the Diocese since 2016 and in November 2018 it was announced that parishes would form Parish Partnerships with their neighbouring parishes in order to work together to spread the Gospel of Christ in their area. The parish of Our Lady and All Saints, Basildon was put in a partnership with Holy Redeemer, Billericay and Our Lady of Good Counsel, Wickford. The clergy and Stewards of those three parishes have spent the last year working together to see how our three parishes can best spread the Good News in the Borough of Basildon.
You can download the fruits of that labour on the homepage of this website. This is a report being sent to Bishop Alan on the First Sunday of Advent 2019 and we will expect to hear his thoughts on it in the New Year. If Bishop Alan likes our plan it will come in to force at Easter 2020.
Please do read the plan and let us know what you think of it.