Music in the Parish
We have a brilliant range of parish music; more people are always needed and welcome to be involved. The Masses are currently arranged like this:
Saturday 5.00pm and Sunday 9.00am and 12noon:
Saturday 5.00pm: alternate weeks, organ led music. On the other weeks, a quiet Mass with instrumental music on CD and unaccompanied hymns.
Sunday 9.00am: Organ-led music; it would be ideal to have a few more people to give the singing a strong lead during the Mass. Just speak to Margaret, the organist, to be involved.
Sunday 12.00noon: Music led by our incredible African choir. Famed throughout the Diocese this amazing choir leads us in a mixture of traditional and contemporary hymns from Britain, Nigeria and Ghana.
Sunday 10.30 has some variety:
Organ and Choir The choir always welcomes new members; just speak to any of the choir members, or to the Organists (Anne-Marie or Angela) and they will help you to get involved.
Children’s Choir Formed by children from our Indian and Afro-Caribbean communities lead us in well-known hymns.
Filipino Music Group once a month (usually second Sunday) with songs selected and played by the group, leading the whole congregation in joyful sound. If you are part of the Filipino community and would like to be involved, speak to any of the group members after a Mass where they are playing.
Sunday 6.00pm:
Quiet Mass
This Mass is a gentle one, with a couple of hymns lead by the congregation. If you would like to lead music at this Mass, please speak to Fr Sabu.
Youth Mass
One Sunday evening a month we will be having a youth mass starting in 2024 with vibrant music led and played by our wonderful youth. If you would like to be part of the youth band please contact Ben Heywood.
Any other ideas? Do speak to one of the Parish Team if there are ideas that you have about music at the various Masses or if you have a talent to bring and are not sure where you would best fit in. Everyone is welcome into the various groups.