Children's Programme 4-14
Along with our excellent schools, the parish has its own programme for children.
Children’s Liturgy, ages 4 – 8
From age 4 – 8 years, those children who come to Sunday morning Mass during term time (9.00 St Therese, 12.00 St Basil’s) will find a great team of helpers offering the chance for children to celebrate in a way that they can more easily understand. The children leave the church close to the beginning of Mass and return at the offertory. During their time away, just as we are listening to the readings and considering key themes, so too are the children, often helped by artwork, and with a discussion about how they can put the readings into practice in their lives.
Usually at age 7 – 8 (school year 3), the children participate in the program for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion.
Our Lady & All Saints Youth Group
Our Lady & All Saints Youth Group is open to any child in school year 6 to year 8, and runs from 6 pm to 8 pm every Friday evening in term time. Using the hall and field, a great variety of activities are on offer – football, table tennis, art, drama, film, chess, goalball, archery, plus sessions led by visitors and experts on a whole range of topics. Our Lady & All Saints Youth Group is very popular, and to apply please complete a form available in the churches each September – please do not simply turn up as a parent’s signature and contact details are essential. The sessions cost £2.50 – this money is collected weekly and every so often there is a heavily subsidised trip out to a theatre or park. Our Lady & All Saints Youth Group is run by energetic and wonderful young adult leaders and gets rave reviews from young people who come along – everyone is welcome!
To serve as a youth leader in the parish, contact Ben Heywood. All 18+ leaders are DBS checked, and all leaders have an “essential skill” training session, including Safeguarding and Health and Safety. All the youth ministry in the parish is inspired by the ethos of St John Bosco, seeking to include every child and seeing the best in every child, helping them to discover their potential and their God-given gifts and talents, so that they may shine.
After school year 9 comes Confirmation, and after that comes our activities for those aged 15+ to young adult.